Patanjali is celebrated as the complier of yoga philosophy who put the ancient and eternal teachings of yoga in a systematized or structured manner for the welfare of humankind.
Philosophy in the Indian context is not merely an arm chair intellectual thinking but a practical tool through which one could get solutions for human misery. That is why it is known as Darshana which means "to see" or come directly in contact with the truth.
Maharishi Patanjali is revered as the great sage who contributed to the knowledge of yoga, Ayurveda and Sanskrit language and to make it accessible to humankind. The Patanjali Yoga shastra has 195 sutras, aphorisms, that gives a clear cut roadmap to an aspirant for the spiritual journey. This roadmap is an wholistic approach to bring a conscious evolution to become a better human being as the best version of oneself.
The opening sutra of the PYS declares "Atha yoga anushasanam" - Now begins the discipline of yoga, which is further explained as "Citta Vritti Nirodhah," signifying the transcendence of habitual mental patterns to achieve a state of singular focus and stillness.
Through this Nirodha, the mind attains a concentrated and arrested state, enabling the Self to reveal itself.
The mind functions as a center for thinking, perceiving, imagining, and fantasizing, processing information through the five senses of perception and the five senses of action. Consequently, it is frequently considered as an eleventh sense. The intellect possesses the capability to decide, analyze, and differentiate between right and wrong, or to make decisions. However, the mind can be swayed by the senses. This influence arises because individuals often identify with the mind-body complex, leading to a misunderstanding that obscures their true Self.
The teaching of Ashtanga Yoga gives a structured pathway to personal transformation, guiding individuals toward self-realization and liberation. Even if the goal is not self realization, it gives practical tools to an individual to lead a conscious and well led life.
"योगाङ्गाऽनुष्ठानादशुद्धिक्षये ज्ञानदीप्तिराविवेकख्यातेः" - PYS 2.28
By the practice of the limbs of Yoga the impurities being destroyed knowledge becomes effulgent, up to discrimination.
1. Yamas
Yama lays the foundation for ethical living. It consists of five key principles:
Ahimsa (non-violent-ness)
Satya (Adherence to truthfulness)
Asteya (Abstaining from stealing)
Brahmacharya (Moderation in sexual acitvity)
Aparigraha (non-possessiveness)
2. Niyama: Personal Observances
Niyama comprises five foundational practices aimed at personal conduct:
Saucha (purity)
Santosha (contentment)
Tapas (austerity)
Svadhyaya (self-study)
Ishvara Pranidhana (surrender to a higher power)